Friday, January 25, 2013

32 weeks! Pregnancy Survey Time!


Today the baby elephant and I are 32 weeks into our GLORIOUS journey. Well glorious for her, I'm starting to get more and more uncomfortable as the days go by. So from now on until she decides to make her entrance into the world I will complete my surveys on fridays :) This past week we put Chloe's crib together (Thanks Nonna & Nonno),  and received her mattress. This is making the fact that she will be here soon much more real. 

  1. How far along? 32 weeks - Start of our eighth month according to my What to Expect App.
  2. Weight gain or loss? We are going to stick with what the doc says... 30 pounds to date :(
  3. Maternity Clothes? Besides a few shirts, my pregnancy uniform has been leggings and tanks.
  4. Stretch Marks? Sadly I just discovered a few more on my hips. The baby elephant is so very worth it. 
  5. Sleep? Besides making my "list" in the middle of the night, I have been sleeping a bit more. This could be because I am so exhausted from carrying this little one around.  
  6. Movement? She is a little gymnast, but now it is getting a bit crammed in this belly. Raymond and I are able to see her little feet and bum bum poke out. 
  7. Gender? Girl!!
  8. Food Cravings? Taffy, and Girl Scout Cookies. I would be my luck that it is that time of year, Oh Well. 
  9. Belly Button, in or out? Almost out, I'm sure within the next few weeks it will be out. 
  10. Rings? On, Yay!
  11. Labor signs? Back pain, Back pain, and more BACK PAIN!
  12. What I miss most? Wine, and working out the way I use to. 
  13. Milestones? The baby elephant has been hitting milestones left and right. This week, her immune system is developing and she can provide  protection from infections. 
  14. What I am looking forward too? Finishing her nursery, and seeing my family this week. I have missed them all. 

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Pregnancy Survey 31 weeks

  1. How far along? 31 weeks! Almost there, I can't wait for her to get here. 
  2. Weight gain or loss? GAIN... This is a bit weird, I did not know I was pregnant and lost about 15 lbs of fat and gained 5 pounds of muscle before moving to Kentucky. Keep in mind, I am 5' 2'' and when I lost the fat and gained the muscle I was at my ideal weight. Yet according to my doctor I have only gained 25 pounds to date, but according to where I was with the training, I've gained about 33. I'm not too happy about this, but my Dr says I'm doing great and not to worry.
  3. Maternity Clothes? Some, but the maternity clothes that I had bought are a bit uncomfortable. 
  4. Stretch Marks? Yes :( on the sides of my chest, and I just discovered a few along the side of my hips. They are small, but still there. 
  5. Sleep? Not much, my princess has been kicking my ribs
  6. Movement? YES! My baby elephant is a little mover, she moves all the time!! Daddy loves feeling her, and she responds so well to him. 
  7. Gender? Your baby elephant is a Girl! Chloe Marie Passaro
  8. Food Cravings? I have been craving taffy lately. 
  9. Belly Button, in or out? Still in, but almost flat.
  10. Rings? Engagement ring is off
  11. Labor signs? I experienced some false labor pains during week 29. My doctor told me that it was from exhaustion, and not enough fluids. I've been taking it a little easier, but still walking and lifting a bit.  
  12. What I miss most? Lifting weights and sleeping. At least one of them I can look forward to after the baby is born. 
  13. Milestones? Just tons of movement!
  14. What I am looking forward too? Holding my sweet daughter, and growing together as a family. 
Photos to come...

Our Story

A little about me -
I am Italian, which is an important aspect of my life. My parents were both born and raised in Italy, and moved to the states about 30 years ago. We have a huge family, and I would not have it any other way. I am one of eight children! Two boys and six girls, I'm number 7! Our home growing up was full of love, spice, and everything nice. Being Italian, soccer had been a way of life for my family since I could remember, Thanks Daddy! I played for 12 years, until I suffered from a knee injury. This turned out to be a blessing in disguise, because the doctor recommended strength training to help heal my knee and that was how I started weight lifting.  Power and olympic weight lifting were both big parts of my life. It was a wonderful sport and I was able to spend time with my baby sis, who turned out to be way stronger than me! After competing for three years, I stopped to be a regular college girl. I worked as a nanny for three years, and loved every second of it! Weight  lifting did not leave my life all together, I started lifting again in January 2012. This blog is a way for me to share my stories, and experience with the world. Documenting life one post at a time is how I am looking at it. The newest adventure in my life is becoming a new mom. With the support of my fiance, Raymond, we could not be more excited, scared, and happy to embark on this journey. I hope you enjoy my posts and if you ever want to know more just ask!

How we met was quite a simple story, but full of love and excitement. Raymond, known to friends as Ray, was the one for me the moment I set eyes on him at the gym where he worked. We were introduced through friends and began dating shortly after words. I was 17 when we met, he was 20, but I knew in my heart that he was my sole mate (know matter how cliche it sounds, but I don't care damn it.) 

We have had many ups and downs through out the almost 4 years we have been together, and I know we will have many more. Know matter how hard things get, we always seem to figure them out together. Thus bringing me to our story about how we were chosen to be the parents of our sweet baby elephant...

2012 was our most interesting year by far! Raymond's job had him transferred to Louisville, Kentucky in May. It was bittersweet, because we did not want to leave our parents behind, but we knew it was the best thing for Raymond's career ( or so me thought.) Raymond had to move within two weeks of finding out, and I stayed back in to finish school and my job. Luckily we have family in Kentucky so he was not alone in a a new city. For the two months we spent apart, minus the surprise visit in June, we planned our new life together. Little did we know that fate had other plans for us! Our stay in Kentucky only lasted for about 2 months, but in that time we found out that we were PREGNANT! We are so blessed for the time we spent in Kentucky growing together and being with our family, but Florida is our home. We are happy to be back in Florida, and will make this Chloe Marie's home! This little one has already lived in three different place, but we are finally settled in South Florida.

We currently live in Sunrise, FL ( we moved again after coming back to Florida, because Raymond got a great new job,) and with this being our third move this pregnancy it has been a bit crazy. We made the move when I was 26 weeks along, but we were able to settle into our little home and prep for baby to come!

Hello Fellow Blogger!

I'm starting this blog towards the end of my pregnancy, but would love to write my memories (past, present, and future) for all the new mommies to read! Hope you enjoy my experiences and stories about pregnancy, love, youth, school, and fitness. Enjoy world :)