Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Pregnancy Survey 31 weeks

  1. How far along? 31 weeks! Almost there, I can't wait for her to get here. 
  2. Weight gain or loss? GAIN... This is a bit weird, I did not know I was pregnant and lost about 15 lbs of fat and gained 5 pounds of muscle before moving to Kentucky. Keep in mind, I am 5' 2'' and when I lost the fat and gained the muscle I was at my ideal weight. Yet according to my doctor I have only gained 25 pounds to date, but according to where I was with the training, I've gained about 33. I'm not too happy about this, but my Dr says I'm doing great and not to worry.
  3. Maternity Clothes? Some, but the maternity clothes that I had bought are a bit uncomfortable. 
  4. Stretch Marks? Yes :( on the sides of my chest, and I just discovered a few along the side of my hips. They are small, but still there. 
  5. Sleep? Not much, my princess has been kicking my ribs
  6. Movement? YES! My baby elephant is a little mover, she moves all the time!! Daddy loves feeling her, and she responds so well to him. 
  7. Gender? Your baby elephant is a Girl! Chloe Marie Passaro
  8. Food Cravings? I have been craving taffy lately. 
  9. Belly Button, in or out? Still in, but almost flat.
  10. Rings? Engagement ring is off
  11. Labor signs? I experienced some false labor pains during week 29. My doctor told me that it was from exhaustion, and not enough fluids. I've been taking it a little easier, but still walking and lifting a bit.  
  12. What I miss most? Lifting weights and sleeping. At least one of them I can look forward to after the baby is born. 
  13. Milestones? Just tons of movement!
  14. What I am looking forward too? Holding my sweet daughter, and growing together as a family. 
Photos to come...

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