Friday, January 25, 2013

32 weeks! Pregnancy Survey Time!


Today the baby elephant and I are 32 weeks into our GLORIOUS journey. Well glorious for her, I'm starting to get more and more uncomfortable as the days go by. So from now on until she decides to make her entrance into the world I will complete my surveys on fridays :) This past week we put Chloe's crib together (Thanks Nonna & Nonno),  and received her mattress. This is making the fact that she will be here soon much more real. 

  1. How far along? 32 weeks - Start of our eighth month according to my What to Expect App.
  2. Weight gain or loss? We are going to stick with what the doc says... 30 pounds to date :(
  3. Maternity Clothes? Besides a few shirts, my pregnancy uniform has been leggings and tanks.
  4. Stretch Marks? Sadly I just discovered a few more on my hips. The baby elephant is so very worth it. 
  5. Sleep? Besides making my "list" in the middle of the night, I have been sleeping a bit more. This could be because I am so exhausted from carrying this little one around.  
  6. Movement? She is a little gymnast, but now it is getting a bit crammed in this belly. Raymond and I are able to see her little feet and bum bum poke out. 
  7. Gender? Girl!!
  8. Food Cravings? Taffy, and Girl Scout Cookies. I would be my luck that it is that time of year, Oh Well. 
  9. Belly Button, in or out? Almost out, I'm sure within the next few weeks it will be out. 
  10. Rings? On, Yay!
  11. Labor signs? Back pain, Back pain, and more BACK PAIN!
  12. What I miss most? Wine, and working out the way I use to. 
  13. Milestones? The baby elephant has been hitting milestones left and right. This week, her immune system is developing and she can provide  protection from infections. 
  14. What I am looking forward too? Finishing her nursery, and seeing my family this week. I have missed them all. 

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